
Don’t just climb with a record-breaker, climb like one.

We understand the challenges of balancing a busy professional career with a passion for mountaineering. Building on Nims’ proven methods, we’ve developed unique Fast-Track schedules. No other guiding company can offer the same level of expertise and experience when it comes to speed and efficiency.


Mount Everest is undoubtedly on the bucket list of every adventurer. Who wouldn't want to conquer the highest mountain on the planet? Yet for the busy modern professional, finding two free months to achieve this life goal can almost feel as difficult as the climb itself.


K2 isn’t nicknamed “the savage mountain” for nothing. The world’s second highest peak is arguably the toughest challenge in mountaineering. For a long time it was considered unconquerable, and most climbers will still leave at least 60 days for a summit bid. At Elite Exped, we understand that such timescales are often incompatible with modern, professional careers, which is why we launched our fast-track K2 expedition. We can help you conquer the savage mountain in half the time.


We’ve redefined the possibilities of guided high-altitude mountaineering

Developed from our founder Nimsdai’s proven method of ‘climbing with speed’ Elite Exped offers unique Fast-Track schedules on some of the world’s classic peaks including 29-day Everest and 29-day K2 expeditions. Unlike other guiding companies, we make these speed ascents possible without the need of hypoxic training systems or any other pre-acclimatisation prior to your expedition, minimising the impact on your lifestyle away from the mountains. This service is unique to Nimsdai and Elite Exped - no other guiding service has comparable experience when it comes to climbing at speeds.

Tailored to your lifestyle

We understand the challenges of balancing a busy professional career with a passion for mountaineering. Sometimes finding 60 days holiday for an expedition can feel harder than the climb itself, which is why we’ve transferred Nim’s experience of record-breaking speed ascents into an expedition package, enabling those who have limited time but an unlimited passion for climbing to complete their objectives.

These programmes can accommodate the most demanding global lifestyles with best in class facilities, equipment and infrastructures, inclusive of services such as premium base-camp offices with Wi-Fi, 5-Star accommodation in Kathmandu, through to accommodating family engagement around your trip.

We offer the ability to tailor each programme to each individual client, you will be able discuss any specific requirements during the planning phase.

Fast-Track Questions
How do you achieve these Fast-Track ascents?
Why do other guiding companies not offer the same service?
Does Elite Exped fast-track rely on pre-acclimatisation techniques or hypoxic training systems?
Do you offer Fast-Track schedules on mountains other than Everest and K2?