About Us

Safety & Security

Of the highest standards
on the highest peaks.

Safety & security

Safety will always be our number one priority. The environments we operate in demand it. Your welfare and wellbeing form the foundations of our planning and decision-making throughout any expedition.

Controlling the controllable

Your safety on the mountain begins well before you reach basecamp. In the planning phase of any expedition we build infrastructure that allows us to be completely self-sufficient: if it’s controllable we control it. This is key to attaining and maintaining our industry-leading strategy for success and safety.

We are capable of setting up our own fixed lines (with a proven track record on all 14 of the 8,000m peaks) and have backups to cover all scenarios, from secondary oxygen supplies through to the ability and experience to operate our own rescue missions if the situation arises. Our self-sufficient approach maximises our options, agility and responsiveness, while eliminating the uncertainty that comes when relying on other teams to achieve your objective.

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Connected every step of the way Climbers ascending Ama Dablams' Mushroom ridge

Guided by the best

All our expeditions are led by our elite team of highly-qualified Sherpa trekking and mountain guides. Hand-picked by Nims and Mingma David using a rigorous process based on the infamous British Special Forces selection, many of our guides have led successful expeditions on the world’s most-demanding 8,000m peaks in their own right.

Like Nims and Mingma David, our guides’ Nepalese background allows them to bridge the gap between western clients’ expectations, and traditional Himalayan cultures. This helps immensely when it comes to building and maintaining safe and dependable supply chains and infrastructure in the region. Our guides understand how things operate on a local level, and have earned the respect and loyalty of their communities. Ultimately, this ensures you get a guiding team that can deliver the safest, best informed and most professional climbing experience possible.

Nimsdai Purja MBE
High altitude expedition leader

The most important thing is safety - for every person on the mountain, not just your own.

Looking out for everyone

Our team has a track record of looking out for everyone on the mountain. On numerous occasions, Nims and Mingma David have been called upon to carry out rescue missions, saving climbers from other parties high in the death zone. Mingma David currently holds the world record for the highest ‘long line’ rescue in history. Each time, the pair have selflessly thrown away personal objectives to answer the call of others in need. Simply put, there’s no-one on the planet you’d rather have with you in an emergency.

Proven track-record

Elite Exped’s safety-first approach, built on our meticulous focus on planning and logistics, was clearly demonstrated during Bremont Project Possible. Not only did our team climb all 14 8,000m peaks in world-record time, they achieved their groundbreaking mission in challenging conditions. Most important of all, every member of the team made it home safe and sound, without a single injury.

Above + Beyond + Adventure



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